Introducing a new documentary at HBO, “Paycheck to Paycheck: The Life and Times of Katrina Gilbert,” Executive Director Sheila Nevins paused at the podium to ask Trent Gilbert whether or not he was feeling safe. The dimpled 4 year old who nearly steals the show from his mom, was seated in the back of the screening room, about to see the movie about the challenges facing his family, mom as well as his two older sisters, as they struggle to live on the $9.49/ per hour mom makes working at an elder care facility. The kids are well mannered and cooperative with the filmmakers, Shari Cookson and Nick Doob, as they follow the family around for a year, part of The Shriver Report, from home in a trailer, to child care, and in and out of various cars including the one driven by their dad who does not live with them while Katrina has to help pay for his gas. This life in Chattanooga, Tennessee is not the worst, not utter poverty, it is just the way it is for this ambitious mother who is seen as emblematic of 42 million American mothers out there, trying.
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